
Training courses

Courses provided by ANSCC include induction courses to its HPC environment, basic parallel programming courses (OpenMP, MPI, CUDA), as well as courses targeted at up-skilling researchers to a HPC-ready level, e.g. courses on software engineering, scientific programming with C/Fortran, the R statistical package. ANSCC also has close ties to Universities through courses offered as modules for graduate students. From these courses graduates can attain credits for completing the relevant courses and assignments.
Our courses are typically hosted in Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) and International Scientific and Educational Center (ISEC) of National Academy of Sciences of RA with participation open to all academic researchers without fees.


ANSCC regularly hosts suitable students and interns to carry out short, targeted projects. Students and interns benefit from working in a dynamic HPC centre under the supervision of ANSCC staff. Support is often made available via a combination of funding from ANSCC, EIF, industry partners or European projects.